Tyler Thrasher 

With an undying love for nature and its respective curiosities, there are few things Tyler’s brain isn’t obsessing over. Between his pursuits to crystallize the world, opalize everything, and hunt down some of the realm’s most unique plants, his passion to combine art and science every step of the way is his fire and fuel.

Chances are if you catch Tyler at a party, he’ll talk your ear off about exploring caves, growing minerals in his lab, playing Dungeons and Dragons, hybridizing new plants, electronic music, the importance of self compassion, and just how amazingly beautiful and mysterious this whole wide universe is.

Tyler has a wide range of projects under his belt including but not limited to crystallizing insects, creating some of the world’s first and only opalized insects and flowers, hybridizing plants and creating new cultivars, capturing the natural world through illustration, creating a series of scientific and strange alchemy inspired toys, and a few published books including “The Wisdom of the Furnace”, “Grow a Damn” and his next upcoming book “The Universe in 100 colors”.
