Prepare to dive deep into the world of synthetic opals.
After years of experimenting, Tyler found a way to grow opals in as little as 5 days in his lab. This gallery is a collection of some of the pieces he’s grown.
More Creations
After years of experimenting, Tyler found a way to grow opals in as little as 5 days in his lab. This gallery is a collection of some of the pieces he’s grown.
More Creations
Nature is our collaborator. In this series you’ll explore the various plants Tyler has hybridized, created, and cultivated including various Crassula, mesembs, and even his spontaneously variegated Monstera deliciosa.
A series of illustrations and drawings that capture elegance and meticulous details of the natural world. A majority of Tyler’s illustrative work finds fascination within nature.
Moonbeam Flora is Tyler’s lifelong goal of filling your home with wonder. These dried flowers are preserved and coated in vibrant glowing pigment mixed right in his studio/lab. Explore these vibrant and fantastical plants for yourself.
Occasionally Tyler picks up a camera! Explore different collections of his photography.
On top of everything else I do, I decided to get into the plushie and toy market as well. There is a void of engaging, scientific and multifaceted toys and plushies out there and I want to add my drop to the bucket!
Welcome to “Alchemy Bugs”, a series of collectible transmuted bugs imbued with a wide range of alchemical and arcane secrets. Alchemists work together to unravel and create these wondrous creatures through customized and commissioned transmutations.
I have a few published books including “The Wisdom of the Furnace”, “Grow a Damn” and my next upcoming book “The Universe in 100 colors”.
A collection of work that delves into the art of synthesizing crystals, specifically on dead shit. This body of work explores the idea of combining molecular geometry and crystalline structures with organic surfaces as an homage to ancient and esoteric alchemy.
Prepare to dive deep into the world of synthetic opals, one of Tyler Thrasher’s latest obsessions. After years of experimenting, Tyler found a way to grow opals in as little as 5 days in his lab. This gallery is a collection of some of the pieces he’s grown.